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ccNSO supports recommendation to adopt ccPDP4-IDN ccTLD policy

ICANN (externally sourced)

The ccNSO (Country Code Names Supporting Organisation) has voted to support a proposed policy to: "...provide a framework to ICANN and the broader community for (i) the selection of IDN country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) strings and variants thereof, (ii) the delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of the selected IDN ccTLD string and its variants, (iii) the use of the review mechanism pertaining to decisions concerning the delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of IDN ccTLDs."

The proposed policy does not amend or change the current policies on delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of ccTLDs, but rather builds upon them.

Next steps: A report on the voting will be sent to the Issue Manager. The report will be included in the Draft Board Report, which - after approval by the ccNSO Council - will be submitted to the ICANN Board of Directors

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